We know COVID-19 is a HUGE CONCERN. We can help you contain it.

Learn more about how our Long-Term Care Database gives you 24/7 access to essential infection prevention documents.

The Long-Term Care Database for Infection Prevention

A New Document Service to Help Protect Residents and Staff at Your Long-Term Care Facility

As you know all too well, COVID-19 will be a continuing threat in your facility – joining the growing list of viruses and infections you must guard against.  

As you update your infection prevention and control (IPC) procedures and protocols, be sure they’re based on the latest manufacturers’ documents that spell out the proper cleaning and sterilization steps for medical and non-medical equipment.

When your staff and IPC team have access to these manufacturer directives and follow their instructions, your facility will be in alignment with infection control regulations and recommendations for long-term care facilities from organizations such as:

  • The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Non-disposable, non-critical care equipment must be “cleaned and disinfected according to manufacturers’ instructions…”

  • The National Center for Assisted Living (NCAL): “Between each use, non-disposable medical equipment should be cleaned and disinfected. This should be done according to manufacturers’ instructions and facility policies.

  • The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC): Policies for cleaning and disinfecting equipment and supplies “should be based on regulatory requirements and guidelines as well as the manufacturers’ recommendations…”

The Long-Term Care Database for Infection Prevention

What is it?

Our Long-Term Care Database for infection prevention includes thousands of manufacturer documents for Class I and Class II medical and non-medical equipment used in long-term care facilities. Your team members can:

  • Find documents based on item numbers, product names and manufacturer drop-down lists
  • Quickly navigate to a document’s infection control section using internal links
  • Create a facility list of frequently accessed documents for even more convenient access

The Long-Term Care Database for Infection Prevention

Request a Free Demonstration

We’d love to answer any questions you have and tell you even more about the database’s features. Please fill out the information below for more details and to gain access to a free demonstration.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Tissue/Implant Database

The regulatory and accreditation agencies are just as adamant that IFUs are readily available to your Sterile Processing and Operating Room technicians who handle materials implanted into patients – including biological and non-biological tissues and devices.

Biologic tissue Instructions For Use (IFUs) include critical information regarding the storage, handling and preparation of sterilized human-, bovine-, and porcine-derived materials. IFUs for nonbiological implants include similar preparation instructions for prostheses and devices as well as re-sterilization instructions for certain materials (e.g., screws or rods) unused in given procedure that can be used in a future case.


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